Gary S. Mintz, MD

Country USA
Specialty Interventional Cardiologist
  1. The Next Chapter of Vulnerable Plaque Diagnosis and Treatment
  2. [Featured Lecture 1] Imaging of Coronary Lipid Rich Plaque and Its Clinical Implications
  3. Coronary Calcium: From Spotty Calcium to Calcified Nodules and In-stent Restenosis
  4. What is the Definition of Moderate to Heavy Calcification? - Based on the Fluoroscopy or Intravascular Imaging?
  5. Intravascular Imaging-Guided PCI: A Universal Approach for Optimization of Stent Implantation
  6. Imaging DIY: Imaging-Trained Operator Can Make a Good Clinical Outcome.
  7. Multimodality Imaging Tools for Complex PCI: IVUS, OCT, VH, NIRS: Which in What Situations
  8. [Guiding Coronary Intervention] Imaging Guidance for Treatment of In-stent Restenosis
  9. Intravascular Imaging of Coronary Calcification and Its Clinical Implications
  10. IVUS-Guided PCI: Meta-Analysis, Patient Selection, Essential Technique
  11. Imaging Criteria for DES Optimization
  12. When to Use IVUS vs. OCT - Complementary vs. Competitive?
  13. Put It Altogether: What and Why Do We Need More?
  14. IVUS: Pre- and Post-Intervention
  15. The Unique Advantages of High Definition IVUS
  16. Vulnerable Plaque Imaging: Learn from PROSPECT, ATHEROREMO and VIVA
  17. IVUS Optimization of PCI and Future Directions: A 25-Year Perspective
  18. Put It All Together! When and How to Use the Imaging Modalities in Our Practice?
  19. Lessons from Current Imaging Trials (PROSPECT, VERDICT, PROSPECT II, etc.)
  20. High Resolution IVUS: What's New and What's Different?
  21. For DES: Time-honored Treatment, The Older One Is Better!
  22. Next-generation Invasive Imaging: 3D-OCT, HR IVUS and NIRS - Where Are We Going?
  23. How New Intravascular Imaging Techniques Will Change Clinical Practice?
  24. Summary: Next Generation Invasive Imaging - Where We Are Going?
  25. NIRS: Fundamental and Clinical Application
  26. IVUS: Preintervention
  27. When to Use IVUS and OCT?
  28. IVUS or High Resolution IVUS and VH-IVUS
  29. Vulnerable Plaque by IVUS or VH-IVUS
  30. Invited Case Presentation & Focus Review: Image-guided Intervention
  31. Integrated Use of IVUS and FFR for LM Stenting
  32. Invasive Imaging (IVUS, VH-IVUS and OCT): How I Implement to My Practice?
  33. Update 2013: IVUS-guided Optimization of PCI
  34. Current IVUS Guidelines and Clinical Results
  35. New Advances in Coronary Imaing for Plaque Regression or Stability: IVUS, OCT, and Others
  36. The Exploding World of Intravascular Imaging: Rational Assimilation into Today\'s Cath Lab Environment
  37. TVC Imaging Using the Combined IVUS/NIRS Catheter
  38. 2012 IVUS Insights into Plaque Vulnerability and Identification: From VH-IVUS to OCT to NIRS
  39. IVUS and IVUS/VH in Acute Coronary Syndromes: How to Interpret and Apply PROSPECT to Clinical Care
  40. When to Use IVUS, OCT and VH?
  41. The Reality of Vulnerable Plaque Detection and Clinical Implication
  42. Role of IVUS and OCT in Diagnosis and Treatment for Stent Thrombosis
  43. Advantage of 2nd Generation OCT; OCT Is Useful to Assess Complex Coronary Lesions
  44. Assessment of DES Failure Using IVUS
  45. Is OCT Ready for ¡°Prime Time¡±: What¡¯s Known and What We Need to Know for Clinical Applications
  46. Assessment of DES Restenosis: New IVUS Insights for the Mechanisms
  47. Core Lab Analysis
  48. Virtual Histology: Basics, Practice and Pitfalls
  49. How to Utilize Virtual Histology in Clinical Practice by Understanding Plaque Compositions
  50. Natural History Study of Vulnerable Plaque: Lessons from Prospect
  51. High-Risk Plaques Evaluated by Multi-Modal Images: Attenuated Plaques, Calcific Nodules, and Beyond
  52. IVUS Guidance of CTO Recanalization Procedures
  53. How is IVUS Helpful to Treat the LM Lesions? IVUS, FFR, Thallium Scan
  54. IVUS Insights for the Treatment of Bifurcation and Left Main Lesions
  55. IVUS Assessment for the Mechanism of In-Stent Restenosis
  56. Integrating IVUS, FFR, and Non-Invasive Imaging to Optimize PCI Outcomes
  57. Pre-Intervention Assessment and Optimizing Final Result
  58. Virtual Histology: Current Status and Future Perspectives
  59. Perspectives on the Evolution of IVUS into a Clinical Tool
  60. In Search of Vulnerable Plaque: Summary of Current Issues
  61. Imaging Overview for Vulnerable Plaque: Data from IVUS Trial and an Introcution to Virtual Histology
  62. Fully Integrated Invasive Imaging Solutions: Online Networking of Angiography, IVUS, FFR, OCT, ICE, VP Imaging, Etc
  63. How New Intravascular Imaging Techniques (VH-IVUS, OCT, IR Spectroscopy, and Others) will Change Clinical Practice in the Future
  64. Virtual Histology: Clinical Update
  65. IVUS-Guided PCI
  66. Perspectives in Vulnerable Plaque Imaging
  67. Current Status and Future Perspectives
  68. Pre-Intervention Assessment and Optimizing Final Result
  69. VH and OCT Clinical Experience and Future Perspective
  70. Virtual Histology: Multimodality Imaging of the Coronary Tree in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes: Baseline PROSPECT Results
  71. Perspectives in Vulnerable Plaque Imaging
  72. Can Routine IVUS Assessment (and RF Plaque Characterization) Reduce Stent Thrombosis and Restenosis?
  73. IVUS Findings in DES Restenosis
  74. IVUS Findings in DES Thrombosis
  75. Invasive Coronary Imaging Modalities for Vulnerable Plaque Detection
  76. Virtual Histology
  77. IVUS and PCI: Pre-Intervention Lesion Assessment
  78. Fundamental and Technique: IVUS
  79. IVUS, Virtual Histology, Other Ultrasound Based Imaging Diagnostics
  80. What Can 2D IVUS Teach Us About Vulnerable Plaque?
  81. A Futuristic Vision of Next Generation Intravascular Ultrasound Imaging Systems
  82. Virtual Histology- A Technical & Clinical Update
  83. Virtual Histology - A Technical and Clinical Update
  84. The "Appropriate" Use of IVUS During DES Procedures
  85. Updates from... the FIM Experience: Are the Results Durable?(in Coronary De Nove and ISR)
  86. The Whole Truth on Incomplete Apposition with DES: Observations from Studies with Silolimus, Paclitaxel and Beyond
  87. The Multisite Nature of Vulnerable Plaque: Insights from Clinical, Angiographic, and IVUS Studies
  88. Intravascular Ultrasound Imaging and Physiologic Lesion Assessment in a Drug-Eluting Stent World
  89. Updates from-SIRIUS: Lessons from the Subgroup Analyses