Presenter's Information
Teguh Santoso, MD
Country | Indonesia |
Specialty | Interventional Cardiologist |
- Prevention and Treatment of Severe LAA Closure Complications
- Left Atrial Appendage Closure with Watchman in Asian Patients: 2 Year Outcomes from the WASP Registry
- Less Invasive Left Ventricular Enhancement(LIVE-Revivent) for Treatment of Advanced Heart Failure: Technique and GLOBAL Data
- Watchman Asia Pacific Study(WASP): A Prospective 7 Country Multicentre Cohort Study, One Year Results
- Keynote Lecture on Calcified Lesion PCI: Expert\'s Concept and Technique
- Indonesia Responds: How Would I Treat the Case in Indonesia
- Rotablation Burr Stall: What to Do When All Efforts Seem to Fail
- How to Perform DK-CRUSH?(With Case Examples)
- WATCHMAN Single Center Experience with Focus on TEE-guided Transseptal Puncture
- Are Asian Patients Different? BioMatrix FlexTM Experience in Regional Settings
- Left Atrial Appendage Closure: Technique, Risk, and Benefit
- Catheter Closure of Multiple ASDs
- True Bifurcation LM Stenosis (Medina 1,1,1) with Very Extensive Calcification: CABG or PCI ?
- BioMatrixTM: The New Biodegradable Abluminally Coated DES BioMatrixTM Clinical Program
- Asia Pacific BioMatrixTM Clinical Results
- Drug-Eluting Stent for Treating Saphenous Graft Stenosis: Useful or Deleterious
- Dealing With Perforation in CTO Intervention
- Management of Complications of Left Main Interventions
- Two-Year Follow Up of a First-in-Man Registry with a Bioabsorbable Polymer Based Sirolimus-Eluting Stent (Medistra Excel Drug-Eluting Stent Trial - MEDISTRA Study)
- MEDISTRA "Excel" Drug Eluting Stent Trial (MEDISTRA): Medium-To-Long Term Outcome
- Medium Term Follow-up of Drug-Eluting Stents in Left Main Bifurcation Stenosis
- Real-world Indications of Bare Stent - We Still Need Bare Stent?